Tracking Macros (

  Product Documentation

Following is a set of macros to be used for


Value or Parameter Passed


[ADX_PLACEMENT_ID] Unique id for a placement or an App which is specific to the exchange or the network 6aac28e3c7a86a02f5d9106c0b3080a0
[ADX_TXN_ID] Unique transaction id for every impression, also used for conversion tracking 427202211-1569545275-404-3-2-17-QcRMz-6b29365fd5d954d5252c31787a86557ca059e7ce-12-141741-50345794
[ADX_DEVICE_ID] Unhashed mobile advertising identifier (IFA) – Google Advertising Identifier (GAID) or iOS Identifier For Ads (IDFA) raw_id:93ab398f-bcaf-4be9-9e88-55ffcef01728
[ADX_ADS_DOMAIN] Domain name, Bundle id OR the unique App store id or or 364147881
[ADX_CAMP_CODE] Unique id for a campaign 12345
[ADX_GEO_COUNTRY] Country from where traffic is originating based on the IP address US
[ADX_NETWORK_NAME] Network or Exchange name Mopub or Smaato
[ADX_APP_NAME] Passes the name of the app that the ad is being served on Tank Recon 3D Lite
[ADX_CARRIER] Name of the mobile carrier Vodafone, AT&T, T-Mobile
[ADX_USER_IP] IP address of the device
[ADX_USER_BROWSER] Browser in which content is being viewed Chrome
[ADX_USER_OS] Operating system of mobile device Android or iOS
[ADX_USER_UA] User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36
[ADX_LAT] Latitude 1712.23122
[ADX_LONG] Longitude 1712.23122
[ADX_DEVICE_MAKE] Make of Device apple
[ADX_DEVICE_MODEL] Model of Device iPhone 10
[ADX_APP_URL] Passes the app store URL of the app on which the ad is being served
[ADS_WIDTH] Width of creative. 320
[ADS_HEIGHT] Height of creative. 50
[ADX_BANNER_CODE] Unique id for a creative 123
[ADX_CB_ADV] Cache buster 7268140825331980


In case you have any questions related to the use of macros, please write to